
Origin of the Word "Church" (and its implications)

  Origin of the Word Church, by Andy Zoppelt (you can connect with him on Facebook) Part 1: The Word that Changed the World  Language and its use of words is vital, it is the fundamental means in which we use to conveying and pass information from one person to another.  The changing of one word can literally change the world. Therefore, translators are given an extreme responsibility in making sure they get it right, especially key words. When Jesus said, “Upon this rock I will build my ekklesia.” (Mat 16:18) The Greek word there is ekklesia and is pronounced ek-klay-see-ah. The translators purposely and knowingly used a word identifying a building to support a clergy rather than a word that would build us together as the body of Christ in unity establishing the kingdom of God in every city. Jesus did not and would not have said, "upon the rock I will build my church." The word “church” represents the complete opposite of building His kingdom on this earth as it is in he...